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Proceeding - The 3rd International allied health students conference 2023

Proceeding - The 3rd International allied health students conference 2023

Analysis Of The Application Of Blowing Balloon Therapy To Improve Breath Patterns In Children With Pneumonia At Hospital X Bekasi
Susi Hartati*, Dewati Wahyu Indah Sari

Application of Postural Drainage and Chest Physiotherapy To Increase
Airborne Clearance in Children With Bronchopeneumonia
Susi Hartati*, Nidia Ainun Rindiani

The Effectiveness of Education With Video Media on The Knowledge and Attitudes of Family Planning Dropout Acceptors in The Work Area of The Central Kaliabang Health Center, Bekasi City.
Parikesit Nuril Kartika*, Edita Astuti Panjaitan, Lina Herida Pinem

The Relationship Between Utilization of the Maternal Child Handbook (MCH) with The Health Status of Pregnant Women at the Pengasinan Health Center in Bekasi City 2023
Fardilla Rochman Utami *, Edita Astuti Panjaitan, Lina Herida Pinem

Correlation Of Pregnancy Risk Awareness With The Constancy Antenatal
Care Expectant Two And Three Trisemester In Public Health Center Jatimulya
Amalia Rizky Atikah, Lina Herida Pinem, Edita Astuti Panjaitan

Prescribing patterns of anti-hypertensive medications at PHC clinic Pedurungan, Semarang
Winda Dwi Astuti , Paulina Maya Octasari *

Determination of hydroquinone levels in whitening serum circulating at market place x using the uv-vis Spectrophotometric method Desalfa Pafitriano* , Melania Perwitasari, Intan Kurnia Putri,Maya Uzia Beandrade.

Acute Toxicity Test of Probiotic Juice Red Guava, Lemon, Melon, and Apple With
Bacteria Starter Lactobacillus casei on Female Balb/C Mice Desi Retnosari* , Reza Anindita, Melania Perwitasari, Nofria Rizkia Amalia Harahap

Phytochemical screening of Kaempferia galanga l. Rhizome in Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Muhammad Fadhiel Ihsan*, Reza Anindita, Intan Kurnia Putri, Noor Andryan Ilsan

Synergism test on date seeds (Phoenix dactylifera L.) And peanut shells
(Arachis hypogea l.) Extract on antioxidant activity
Galuh Anjani Garnisaputri , Intan Kurnia Putri*, Melania Perwitasari , Dede Dwi Nathalia

Effect of stevia sugar on innovation of guava, apple, lemon, and melon juice probiotic drink using Lactobacillus casei bacteria on amount Lactic acid bacteria
Mety Nur Ivani*, Reza Anindita, Maulin Inggriani, Maya Uzia Beandrade

Formulation test of facial serum mangosteen rind extract (Garcinia Mangostana)
and niacinamide Mia Marlina, Maya Uzia Beandrade*, Dede Dwi Nathalia , Reza Anindita

Acute toxicity test of probiotic red guava, apple, lemon, melon juice with bacteria starter Lactobacillus acidophilus on male Balb/c. Mice
Reza Anindita* , Nurin Natasha, Nofria Rizkia Amalia Harahap , and Ariska Deffy Anggarany

Synergism test on dates (Phoenix dactylifera l.) Fruit extract and soybean
(Glycine max (l.) Merr.)) Nuts extract on antioxidant activity
Sinta Nuriyah Awaliah , Intan Kurnia Putri* , Melania Perwitasari, Maya Uzia Beandrade

Determination of Hydroquinone Content in Whitening Toner Sold in Online
Market Place X by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Stevani Hana Marumata*, Melania Perwitasari, Intan Kurnia Putri, Maya Uzia Beandrade

Formulation and evaluation test of lip balm from ethanol extract of fruit
(Salacca zalacca (Gaertener) Voss.)
Syarifah Purbaningrum*, Maya Uzia Beandrade, Melania Perwitasari, and Reza Anindita

Physical Evaluation Test Of Serum Facial Ethanol Extracts Of Purple Passion Fruit Peel (Passiflora edulis Sims)
Unggul Fernando Sinambela*, Maya Uzia Beandrade2, Reza Anindita, Intan Kurnia Putri

Relationship of Body Mass Index-For-Age to Body Fat Percentage Using Relative Fat Mass in Teenagers in Surakarta
Nais Volum Firdaus*, Tonang Dwi Ardyanto , Isna Qadrijati Quantitative Test Of Quercetin Content Of Rome Beauty Apple Flour Extract Using The High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method
Dwi Wulandari Aaas Hamka,Dhani Redhono Harioputro,Ratih Puspita Febrinasari

The Effect of Body Image and Pocket Money on Food Choice Attitudes in Obseous Adolescents In Surakarta
Afifah Istiqomah*, Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari , Sri Mulyani

The Effect of Nutrition Education Through Flashcard Media on Knowledge of Iron Sources Food Consumption in Adolescent Women at SMP N 33 Bekasi City
Miswah Alfaresti Sutrisna*, Arindah Nur Sartika

Literature Review: Effectiveness of Online Nutrition Education on Mother Nutrition Knowledge of Stunting Children
Alfi Rahmatillah Nur Fithriah* , Sumardyono, Anik Lestari

The relationship between intake of iron, vitamin D and nutritional status on the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at Kebak Kramat 1 community health center, Karanganyar
Baarizah Febriana Badri * , Dono Indarto, Tonang Dwi Ardyanto
Analysis of the effectiveness of herbal drink consumption on emesis gravidarum in pregnant women in the senapelan, Pekanbaru city
Desy Winda*, Endah Purwani Sari, Fatma Richa Rahmana, Mona Dewi Utari

Assessment of the needs and role of nutritionists in schools in indonesia? How important? : A literature review
Imtiyaz Irbatunnisa* , Delita Septia Rosdiana, Anisa Nur Wulan,
Nanda Fitria Salsabila, Tsaltsa Najwa Fitria



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Pernyataan Tanggungjawab STIKes Mitra Keluarga
Pengarang STIKes Mitra Keluarga - Personal Name (Pengarang)
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil PUB 217 2023
Klasifikasi PUB 217 2023
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Penerbit STIKes Mitra Keluarga
Tahun Terbit 2023
Tempat Terbit Bekasi
Deskripsi Fisik
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STIKes Mitra Keluarga. (2023).Proceeding - The 3rd International allied health students conference 2023(Publish).Bekasi:STIKes Mitra Keluarga

STIKes Mitra Keluarga.Proceeding - The 3rd International allied health students conference 2023(Publish).Bekasi:STIKes Mitra Keluarga,2023.Publikasi Dosen

STIKes Mitra Keluarga.Proceeding - The 3rd International allied health students conference 2023(Publish).Bekasi:STIKes Mitra Keluarga,2023.Publikasi Dosen

STIKes Mitra Keluarga.Proceeding - The 3rd International allied health students conference 2023(Publish).Bekasi:STIKes Mitra Keluarga,2023.Publikasi Dosen


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